
Polar Bear Swim

Tumbler Ridge Global Geopark receives $150,000 partnership boost

The Tumbler Ridge UNESCO Global Geopark (TRUGG) was beneficiaries of a $150,000 partnership with Anglo American to support the Geopark’s education outreach, tourism and...

Travelling in a time of pandem(ic)onium: one family’s story

JJenny Geary Let me tell you about a journey that had many more bumps in the road than I thought it would. Giving me both...

Surviving as a high risk individual

Katelynn Garden and her family recently moved to Tumbler Ridge for the health of her son.  At four and a half years old, her son...

District closes Community Centre and other buildings to public

Over the last week, events sweeping the world have also impacted our small town. While what follows was accurate as to when the paper...

Mental Health and Seniors

Yvonne Poulin, RMT The untimely deaths of a few Tumbler Ridge residents in 2019 shocked our scenic little town. As a result, many locals are...

Local Firefighters Recognized with Awards for Years of Service

Fire Chief Dustin Curry While January has been a busy start to the year for emergency crews, it has also certainly been a month of...

Giants in tiny town

On January 30, a group of residents from Tumbler Ridge visited a number of towns across Canada that are designed to deal with the...

District puts Bear Smart plans on hold

After three years of moving towards a Bear Smart designation, the District has stepped back, citing cost and an unwillingness to commit to the...

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