Local boy headlines Home Routes at Home series

Music fans will want to catch next week’s Home Routes Stay at Home Routes concert, as it features Scott Cook.

Cook grew up in Tumbler Ridge in the 1980s before moving to Edmonton with his family. These days he makes his living as a folk musician and author.

The concert takes place on Tuesday, October 20, and starts at 5:30 local time (or 7:30 CT, if I’ve done my math wrong).

Cook will be performing with The Indoorables, and will be answering questions after the show.

Cook has been touring for the past thirteen years, basically living out of a van, though now that live music isn’t a thing, he’s back in Edmonton, weathering out the quarantine. The rest of the Indoorables are his quaranteam-mates Elliot Thomas and Pamela Mae.

Cook is known for writing straight-talking, keenly observant songs. He has released six albums, and his latest—Tangle of Souls—comes with the longest album notes ever, a 240 page book looking back on his time on the road and on the beach.

Cook hasn’t performed in Tumbler Ridge since leaving town, but has regularly performed at Sweetwater 604 in Rolla, as well as the Rolla Pub.

For people looking to watch the show, you can buy tickets at https://homeroutes.ca/product/oct-20-2020-7-30pm-ct-scott-cook-n-america/

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