Photo Feature

Final Shot.

The U7 Raptors had their home tournament on January 4–5. Hockey was played, goals were scored and kids had fun. Got a story that...

Holly Jolly

Dear Santa: Children telling Santa Don Christmas wishes at the Holly Jolly Event in the Tumbler Ridge library on December 4. Santa was there...

Final Shot.

At the annual Holly Jolly Christmas event on December 4, kids play a game where one kid tries to unwrap a present wrapped in...

Silver Silvers!

The Tumbler Ridge U13 all-female team managed to clinch the silver medal at their first appearance at Wickfest in Calgary. The team lost only...

Final Shot.

Snow hasn’t been the only thing falling; recently, the Wolverine Nordic and Mountain Society had to clean up a number of trees that had...

Tumbler RidgeLife Winter Magazine 2024/2025

The Winter 2024/2025 edition of RidgeLife Magazine is now out and on stands, grab your copy today! Not in Tumbler Ridge and want a...

Final Shot.

Jason Bradley sent us this shot of the Tumbler Ridge U13 Girls team, who went undefeated in Beaverlodge over the weekend to win the...

Annual Pumpkin Patch

The annual Pumpkin patch was held October 27 and hundreds of pumpkins were purchased by people around the community.

In Remembrance….

Legion representatives Sue Vandenbosch and Al Light pin a poppy to mayor Darryl Krakowka to kick off the annual poppy campaign in Tumbler Ridge.

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