
Dealing with extreme weather emergencies

With temperatures plunging down to near -40 over the second week of January, it was appropriate for council to discuss the District’s approach to...

Surviving the cold

Old timers will talk about months on end at -40, but last week’s blast of cold weather was enough for most people. Here at the...

Museum looking to extend funding for four years

2023 was on track to be the best year ever for the Tumbler Ridge Museum. According to Executive Director Zena Conlin, 2023 started off with...

A Fort St. John climber on Cowmoose Falls

While there is some ice about to climb, warm weather has meant marginal climbing conditions for most of the seasons.

TR Outdoor Recreation Association has productive first year

The newly formed Tumbler Ridge Outdoor Recreation Association (TRORA) came before council to talk about their first year as an organization and plans moving...

Going into 2024 with no precipitation in sight

Tumbler Ridge is looking to go into 2024 still under drought conditions. While there has been some light precipitation over the last few months, snow...

Skating on Moose Lake

Mom Rayleen watches as Brinley pushes sister Kenzie around a frozen Moose Lake on a camp chair.

Final Shot.

Okay. I know this is the newspaper, but if anyone wants to go out to Moose Lake and play around and take photos...I am...

West Kiskatinaw Fire, deconstructed

On Wednesday, October 25, about 50 community members met with members of Council and BC Wildfire Service to talk about the response to the...

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