
Council gives final review to 2025-2029 Financial Plan

Council is one step closer to having the 2025-2029 Financial Plan ready after giving final review to the draft plan on March 11. The final...

After deferring Grant in Aid requests, council passes most

Of the five funding requests that came before Council on February 3, all but one were either denied or deferred, including funding for the...

Final Thought: buy Canadian

February 28 was, in case you missed it, buy Canadian day. The event was held in tandem with an economic boycott down in the states,...

Final Thought: sounds about right…

Ever heard of the Onion? Not an onion, the Onion? It’s a satirical website that has been around for the last nearly 30 years. That means...

Ken Klikash resigns from Council

On January 20, Councillor Ken Klikach handed in his resignation to the Corporate Officer for the District of Tumbler Ridge. His resignation means that there...

Council approves hiring a second district mechanic

The first meeting was basically an introduction to the budget and budgeting process, but staff did ask for permission to hire an additional heavy...

District looks at Capital and Special Projects for 2025

At their second budget meeting, council looked at the proposed $8,547,000 Capital and Special Projects budget for 2025. Before the discussions began, CFO Natalie Wehner...

Bringing down the houses

After years of deliberation and discussion, BC Housing has sent notices out to residents of Chamberlain Cres that they are going to be tearing...

Budget discussions underway

Council had its first budget meeting on January 24 to discuss the 2025–2029 financial plan, with an emphasis on 2025. Last year, council set itself...

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