
Environmental Impact Assessments not living up to promise, says study

A recent paper, co-authored by Rosemary Collard, Jessica Dempsey, Bruce Muir, Robyn Allan, Abigail Herd, and Peter Bode, argues that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA),...

Quintette sale now official

After announcing the sale of Quintette late last year, Teck has closed a deal with Conuma that will see the mine re-open under new...

Quintette to be purchased by Conuma and reopened

After 22 years in care and maintenance mode, Teck has finally decided to do something with Quintette. They have decided to sell it. The announcement came...

Have a very unmerry Christmas: Glencore gets stocking full of (no) coal

While people in Tumbler Ridge are cautiously celebrating the sale of Quintette mine to Conuma Coal, feelings are less enthusiastic about the Federal and...

Update on Peace River Coal

Despite rumours, Peace River Coal is not going to be re-opening any time soon, at least, not under the auspices of Anglo American.  We recently...

HD Mining aiming for “substantial start” by October, 2025

For the last eight years, the Murray River project has been in care and maintenance as HD Mining has been working on finding funding...

Sukunka Coal Project back under review

The longest-germinating coal project in the Northeast is back on the table. On July 15, the clock for the 180-day application review period for...

Changing mines, changing minds

Missed a record by that much Mining is back.  After years of lower spending on exploration by mining companies, 2021 saw $660 million spent looking for...

Conuma’s bond rating drops

Last month, Moody’s Investor’s Service downgraded Conuma’s corporate family rating from B3 to Caa1. B3 is “obligations considered speculative and subject to high credit...

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