Forest Fires

All fires in South Peace are out or being held

Above photo: Fire G72185 started across the Murray River from Gwillim Lake Provincial Park, but cooler weather and BC Wildfire crews held it at...

Small wildfire burning just east of Gwillim Provincial Park

On August 13, it appears that lightning sparked off a fire on the east side of the Murray River, just outside of Gwillim Provincial...

Cowmoose Fire, largest fire so far this year, being held.

Above photo: Michelle, enjoying an apple on top of the ridge at Holzworth Meadows on a near-perfect day earlier this month, before the smoke...

Council considers controlled burns

After last year’s West Kiskatinaw fire forced the evacuation of town, council is looking at options to protect Tumbler Ridge from wildfires. One option under...

No more campfires

As of this Friday, July 12, at noon, no open fires, including campfires, will be allowed in the Province, except for the Queen Charlottes. The...

Despite recent rain, Tumbler Ridge remains at level four drought

Photo: The Kettle Pond behind the Visitor Information Centre is fast becoming a mud puddle as a low snow year and lack of rains...

And so it begins…PG Fire district declares ban on fires bigger than a campfire

As of Thursday March 28 at noon, category 2 and 3 open burning will be banned over summer in the north. According to the...

Fire season 2024: District preparing for another dry hot year

Above photo: Brandon Broderick’s 2023 photo of the West Kiskatinaw fire at sunset. The 2024 Wildfire season is fast approaching, and the District of Tumbler...

Mike Bernier adds his voice to municipalities’ concerns

Mike Bernier is joining with local municipalities, questioning decision to move the Northern Initial Fire Attack Crew (NIFAC) from Chetwynd. This is in response to...

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