
The Emperor’s Challenge results issue

While it wasn’t quite as close a race as last year, Kris Swanson used his ability to fall with style downhill and pull ahead...

Recipe for a conference in Tumbler Ridge

Tumbler Ridge has to be one of the finest places on the planet for a conference, and a unique one at that. I am...

West Kiskatinaw Fire no longer considered immediate risk to town

As of Tuesday, June 20 (the day the paper went to press), the West Kiskatinaw fire remained sitting on the far side of Bearhole...

That Darn cat

At the most recent meeting of council, Councillor Gulick brought forth a notice of motion to look at the Animal Responsibility bylaw with an...

Lightning sparks fire near Babcock Creek

While much of BC and Alberta burned around Tumbler Ridge, there were no wildfires in the Tumbler Ridge area, outside of the Bearhole Lake...

District passes 2023 budget on May 3

Historically, council has deliberated on the annual budget up until the last moment, which is why many (including members of council) were shocked when...

Let’s talk about health

On April 19, members of the public joined town council in the Community Centre for a Let’s Talk event. The theme of the event was...

Council considers expanding garbage pick-up

After receiving a number of requests from people in the District, council has taken a look at expanding its garbage pick-up program. According to Jason...

Environmental Impact Assessments not living up to promise, says study

A recent paper, co-authored by Rosemary Collard, Jessica Dempsey, Bruce Muir, Robyn Allan, Abigail Herd, and Peter Bode, argues that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA),...

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