Dozens of residents came out October 30 to add their comments to the District’s new Zoning Bylaw updates. The bylaws were last updated in 2012.
The changes to the bylaws reflect a changing provincial landscape, as well as changes to the Official Community Plan, which was adopted last year.
“The Zoning Bylaw update aims to create a user-friendly document that responds to the communities needs and values and ensures that the bylaws policies align with current zoning and development standards,” says the District website.
The update looks at the way space is used in the community and makes provisions for uses new and old, from residential housing to Airbnbs and from backyard greenhouses to small-scale solar electric systems.
What the bylaw doesn’t leave space for, apparently, is a bottle recycling centre, but that, says people familiar with the matter, was an oversight.
Officially prohibited by the bylaw? Work camps in any zone in the town.
This was the last public consultation for the new bylaw, though you can still read the draft bylaws online and offer comments via a survey, which should take about 15 minutes to complete. Links to both are available at

Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.