Passing of Joe Eagle leaves a void in the hearts of many

In the tight-knit community of Tumbler Ridge, where everyone seems to know everyone else’s name, news of a local legend’s passing spread like wildfire. 

Joe Eagle, who was a beloved figure in this small town, has left a void in people’s lives that will be hard to fill. Eagle was not just a familiar face for many long-time Tumbler Ridge residents; he was a cornerstone in his new community of Fort McMurray. 

Born in eastern Canada and raised in Tumbler Ridge, he attended the local schools and gained respect, admiration, and love from all who knew him. “He had no friend group,” says Shawn, who knew him since the age of 14. “Instead, everybody was his friend.”

His warm personality, friendly demeanour, and heart of gold made him a cherished member of the community.

Joe has been employed at Suncor in Fort McMurray and has touched many lives there as well but Joe never forgot his roots in Tumbler Ridge. He maintained strong connections with his hometown friends through Facebook. 

On September 13, 2023, Joe shared a heartbreaking update with his friends and followers —he had been diagnosed with cancer.

From that moment forward, Joe’s Facebook page became a chronicle of his courageous battle against this devastating illness, with his friends and family cheering him on. He shared his highs and lows, his hopes and fears, with remarkable transparency. The outpouring of support from his community of friends was overwhelming, a testament to the deep impact he had on their lives.

On Saturday, December 2, Joe shared a sombre post, admitting that things were not going well, and he was feeling scared. The community rallied around him with messages of love and encouragement. On Sunday, he posted, “I’m still around, people, just taking it easy.” Little did anyone know that this would be Joe’s final post.

On Monday, December 4, 2023, the heartbreaking news broke—Joe Eagle had passed away. The town reeled as friends, co-workers and acquaintances grappled with the loss of this extraordinary individual.

One of Joe’s close friends, Dana Hynes, described him as “an awesome guy” with a heart of gold. He fondly remembers Joe’s passion for the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Blue Jays, and he also highlighted Joe’s philanthropic nature. 

Joe was known for his annual donations to the local food bank during the holiday season, a tradition he held dear to his heart.

Another friend, Rob Nixon, writes, “You’re the only person that can have close to 2000 friends on Facebook… and I can guarantee you had an impact on each and every one of them. Not to mention the hundreds, if not more, of the kind deeds you did for random people in the world. You are my best friend. You are THE best friend. Nothing could stop you from being you and giving everyone you came near, a smile.”

In the wake of Joe’s passing, dozens of friends poured their grief, shock, and love onto his Facebook page, sharing memories and condolences. Many pledged to continue his tradition of supporting the local food bank in his memory, a testament to the lasting impact he had on their lives.

Dirk Pennock, a childhood friend of Joe’s, reflected on his legacy: “Instead of trying to find some hollow-sounding words, I realized that much of the good you did was through donation, and since you won’t be able to do that this year, I figured for once I’d do a proper one. Not the $2 at the till we all content ourselves with, a Joe Eagle style one.”

Another Tumbler Ridge friend, Gail Stedel, says “Joe had a very special place with my daughter, who was diagnosed with type one diabetes at the age of 5 . When we started doing the Telus Walk to Cure Diabetes through JDRF, Joe immediately made a donation. He always supported us with a large donation each year and become a Gold Sneaker sponsor. He also supported another friend from Tumbler Ridge by donating for her child . He touched both our hearts so much Joe always said “ Taryn, (Gail’s daughter), will always be my little baby “

As Tumbler Ridge and Fort McMurray mourn the loss of Eagle, it is clear that his memory will live on through the acts of kindness and generosity he inspired in others. His legacy serves as a reminder of the profound impact one person can have on their community and the importance of giving back to those in need.

Joe, you will be missed, but your spirit lives on in the hearts of all those whose lives you touched. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Jerrilyn Kirk
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