School’s in for autumn

Back to pencils, and back to books. Yes, it’s that most wonderful time of the year when students return to school.

The first day back for both schools will be September 6. As is tradition, the Tuesday is a Non-Instructional Day, giving teachers time to get everything ready for the return of the students.

And, as has been traditional the last few years, September 6 will be a short day, beginning two hours later and ending one hour sooner than a regular school day. September 7 will be the first full day of classes, again, for both schools.

And, while there will be changes here and there, one of the biggest will be at Tumbler Ridge Elementary (TRE).

You see, there’s a new principal at TRE. Yes, I know, there was a new principal last year, too, but he’s left, to be replaced by Karen Edwards.

Edwards, has been at TRE since 1991. This was her first job as a teacher (she taught Grade 1 at the time), and her plan was to stay in Tumbler Ridge for two years before returning to Alberta. It was to be her grand adventure away from home and family.

But somewhere in those two years, she fell in love with the community, with the people of the community. With her co-workers and with the kids, even with the parents.

And so two years became three, which became five, ten, twenty.

And now it’s been thirty two years, and she’s still in love with the town and the people who live here.

In that time, she’s taught primary school, intermediate, returned to primary, got her doctorate (that’s Dr Edwards to you), and worked as literary resource teacher and coach mentor at the school.

Last year, she was vice-principal. This year, she is taking over as principal of the school after former principal Bhupinder Mattoo moved on to become principal at Dragon Lake Elementary in Quesnel.

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernst
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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