Area restrictions in effect

Now that the evacuation orders are no longer in effect, it doesn’t mean that you can just march (or more likely drive) right up to the wildfires.

Instead, the BC Wildfire Service is expanding the Area Restriction Order around the Peavine Creek and West Kiskatinaw Fires—known collectively as the South Peace Complex—to include much, though not all, of the former area covered by the evacuation order.

“The size of the area restriction reflects the continued need to protect the public in areas where there are ongoing fire suppression activities and hazardous fire behaviour conditions,” they wrote in the release, announcing the new order, which started on June 18, and which will remain in place all summer, until September 30, 2023, or until it is rescinded.

The area restriction encompasses much of the area east of Tumbler Ridge, including many of the roads into the Quality Wind Project as well as the Hourglass and Bearhole Lake roads.

It also includes the Boot Lake recreation site, which has—so far—apparently escaped the fires unscathed.

While the area restrictions do not include Bearhole Lake Provincial Park and Protected area, it does include the access routes into the park.

The public is asked to stay out of this area.

If you fail to comply with this order, you can be fined up to $1150.

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernst
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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