Free as in taxes

Janice Pelletier wants to do your taxes.

And, if you made less than $50,000 last year ($65,000 for a couple), she’ll even do them for free.

While not an official accountant, Pelletier spent 25 years working for Revenue Canada and has been doing taxes for family and friends for 45 years.

She’s been volunteering to do taxes for people who might not know how to do them on their own, or afford to hire a professional for the last five years, back when she lived in the Lower Mainland. This is her first year in Tumbler Ridge, and she is working with the Forever Young Society, who are sponsoring her.

While it might seem like a program targeting seniors, Pelletier says it’s for anyone who qualifies. “It’s a volunteer program to do taxes for free for people who meet qualifications. I’m set up in the Community Centre in room one on Monday mornings from 9 to 12 and then Thursday afternoon from 1 to 4.”

The program has been quite busy so far. “I’ve done 60 tax returns through the clinic. So it is being fairly well received.” That said, she’s hoping that if anyone else qualifies, they will take advantage of the program in the next three weeks, as tax deadline is by the end of the month.

“People up here seem to have a problem with the word free,” she jokes, “but there’s no charge whatsoever, assuming that you meet the requirements.”

And what are the requirements? “Basically the dollar limits and also it has to be a basic return. No deceased taxpayers or no rental properties or business income or things like that. Just a basic T4 slips and regular type income. A number of the people I’ve worked with are just on social assistance or disability and I do those as well.”

She says some people are donating to her, but she’s passing all those donations on to the Forever Young Society.

The average return, she says, only takes about 15 minutes. People can schedule an appointment, or drop in and drop off their paperwork. “Leave it with me,” she says, “and I will do it before the end of day and call them and let them know when it’s ready so they can come back and get it.”

Pelletier’s sister has been encouraging her to move to Tumbler Ridge. “I came up last February for three weeks to see what the winter weather would be like and I absolutely loved it here. And my sister had already lined up us to go and visit six different condos while we were here. She seriously wanted me to move up here right away, though my plan had been take a year, finish up everything I needed to do in the Lower Mainland and take care of business there. Within 48 hours of my arriving, we had bought a condo. I went back down and put in my notice of retirement and I moved up here and I absolutely love it.”

If you make less than $50,000 as an individual or $65,000 as a couple and are dreading doing your taxes, contact Pelletier by email, at, or call 250-515-2290 or 604-996-6866 to book a session. Or just drop in to see her in room 1 of the Community Centre, Monday 9–12 or Thursday 1–4.

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernst
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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