Despite rumours, foodbank alive and well

The Tumbler Ridge Family Assistance program—otherwise known as the Foodbank— is alive and well, serving the citizens of Tumbler Ridge, says Tracy Krauss, temporary acting director.

According to Kraus, operations have never stopped nor have they changed, even though there have been some transitions. “Clients can still call the number and set up an appointment to receive a monthly food hamper,” she says. 

About sixty people were helped in the month of January.

“Apparently, a rumor was circulating that we were closed or that people could no longer access the Foodbank,” says Krauss, “It’s simply not true. I’ve been filling in since the beginning of January. It’s a big job and there is a lot to learn, so, yes, we are in transition. But it hasn’t interrupted our service.” 

The transitions started last summer when the long-time Foodbank administrator, Ronke Solomon, moved to Ottawa. She was citizen of the year twice, with good reason. “Ronke went above and beyond,” says Krauss. “She did so much good work in the community and is still sorely missed.” 

During her time, Solomon put some good systems in place that have helped the operations of the Foodbank. For instance, they now run on a point system instead of distributing pre-packed hampers. “Some people didn’t eat certain items that were being included in their hamper. There is only so much pancake mix one person can eat! People now come and choose their own food using a point system. It works really well,” Krauss said.

“The team that took over in the fall also did a fantastic job of keeping the operation running smoothly. The Christmas hampers were a success and while I don’t have the numbers off hand, I know that a lot of people were blessed in 2022.” 

She also wanted to acknowledge the corporate sponsors, businesses, school, and individuals that donated so generously. “It is amazing that a small community like Tumbler can be so generous. There are so many volunteers to thank – too many to list and I don’t want to forget anyone, so I won’t try to list them all. But without volunteers and donations, it would be very difficult to do what we do.”

But Krauss is only temporary acting director, and starting in February, James and Lydia Mannion will be stepping in as the new Foodbank coordinators. People in town might know them from their band “The Mechanical Botanicals”. But there is more to the duo than tight harmonies. 

They are excited to be able to serve the community in this capacity. “In a way, it’s like carrying on the family tradition in a multi-generational way,” Lydia said. “When I was young, my parents ran an outreach centre in the North West Territories which included a foodbank and thrift shop, among other things. My siblings and I spent a lot of time there. We helped sort clothes, cleaned, looked after children of clients… It taught us the importance of giving to the community and lending a helping hand. Now James and I can pass on that same kind of legacy to our kids.”

You can donate directly to the TR Foodbank by e-transfer. Simply use and your donation will be automatically deposited. Tax receipts are issued. 

You can also visit the Foodbank’s Facebook page: Tumbler Ridge Foodbank

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernst
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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