The dedication of Doug

The first word that comes to mind when I think about Doug Beale is “dedication”. Dedication to the Tumbler Ridge Fire Department, dedication to the Search and Rescue Group, dedication to the town of Tumbler Ridge, and most of all, dedication to his family, and always with a special place in his heart for his grandchildren. 

Doug was the consummate team player with the TRFD. He was always focused on the task at hand, and he was the first to volunteer for any work that needed to be done. In fact, the phrase that I most associate with Doug is, “I will do any task”. And that was absolutely true. It was true at practices, on the fire ground, at public events, at the annual fireworks display, and with the Firefighters’ Association. He was always focused on getting things done, and he would play any role that was required to do so. He was even willing to alter his weekend plans and stay in town to ensure that the fire department had adequate coverage for potential emergencies which may or may not come.

He was a wealth of knowledge when it came to engines, motors, hydraulic equipment, pumps and pretty well anything else that had moving parts, but at the same time he was always willing to listen to what others had to say, whether he agreed or disagreed with them. He was someone who was always willing, in fact, eager to learn and improve his skills, and, in turn, pass along his knowledge and skills to other members of the Fire Department. 

Doug was also exceptionally compassionate and empathetic towards others, and that became most apparent when attending to patients at medical calls or motor vehicle accidents. That is where you could really see his desire to serve others. The example that most stands out in my mind was at a motor vehicle accident on Highway 52N one winter, where, once we had the patient dealt with, he went around and picked up her scattered groceries so that they could be delivered to her home. 

That smile that you see in all of those fire department photos wasn’t reserved just for the cameras; it was a common feature around the fire hall. It was a reflection of Doug’s positive attitude. Doug truly enjoyed serving as a member of the Tumbler Ridge Fire Department, and I think I can speak for all the members when I say that we all truly enjoyed serving with him as well.

Matt Treit
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