CARE Course coming to Tumbler

On April 2&3, Tumbler Ridge will play host to the CARE course, a two day, interprofessional learning experience for nurses, physicians and other care workers. The course “focuses on comprehensive rural emergency care including airway management, trauma care, cardiac care, emergency obstetrics, paediatrics and neonatal care.”

The course is designed to give health professionals in Tumbler Ridge and from around the region hand-on learning to develop their skills.

According to the CARE Course website, the skill stations focus on practical critical procedures. “The cases are based on real patients, just like the ones you see and treat in your rural facility. Feedback will be provided to each participant, but there is no formal testing as there is good evidence that the pressure of any type of test at the end of a course inhibits the learning process.”

The objectives of the course is to teach health care professionals how to deal with critically ill patients in a rural environment. The course has been “hand-crafted by and for rural healthcare providers,” says the website. “Its primary goal is to improve the experience of rural emergency care. By supporting providers, The CARE Course aims to improve confidence, competence and actuation, improve timely access to resources and nurture teams of positive, aspiring rural emergency care providers in each community.”

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernst
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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