Letter to the Editor

I read Charles Helm’s article: ”The Vaccinator” with dismay. Brilliant scientists have invented an immunization against an unpleasant disease and instead of queuing around the block to get it, only 50 percent of the people of TR have been immunized.
Unfortunately some don’t like being treated like cattle so the term “herd immunity” didn’t go down too well. Does anyone under the age of 40 remember polio? That’s when you become paralyzed and in days gone by ended up in an iron lung. The disease was halted in its tracks by a man named Salk and a sugar lump.
Despite most people never having heard of messenger RNA, now they talk about it as if it were their best friend from kindergarten: “Oh, haven’t you heard? mRNA affects your DNA, changing your identity so when then Russians invade they can take you to Siberia and no one will find you!” Star Wars couldn’t have done better.
We live in a free country but I feel if someone willfully refuses immunization and ends up in an ICU in Vancouver costing thousands, why should we taxpayers foot the bill?
If, as a result of their irresponsible action someone dies, particularly a  child, they should feel the full weight of the law.

N.Mathews. M.D.

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernsthttp://www.tumblerridgelines.com
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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