Thank you, from the Tumbler Ridge Forever Young Society

Richard Lekei

Pre COVID 19 the Tumbler Ridge Forever Young Society (TRFYS) were operating in Willow Hall at 419 Willow Drive TR. (This is still our gathering & socializing place.) Our Society with a membership of more than 100 members were Entertaining, Socializing, Exercising, Educating, Crafting, and generally enhancing Seniors lives in Tumbler Ridge. We were holding food related events like Potlucks, Breakfasts, Special day & Holiday Dinners, and Snacks at card Tournaments. This was all being accomplished without a proper kitchen so a lot of the cooking for these events was done at home and brought to the hall and kept heated with Crackpots, Plate heaters, and other electrical devices.

In 2019 – 2020 we had a stove donated to our Society and this spurred us into action. We asked and were granted permission from District of Tumbler Ridge Council, the owners of the building to upgrade the kitchen at Willow Hall. Not only did DTR give us permission they also put us in touch with “Northern Development Initiative Trust” (NDIT) as a possible funding source for this project.

Today we Thank NDIT for all their help! Not only did they help us financially with this project, but they also helped by guiding us through the process and were incredibly supportive in many ways. We also say Thank You to our Town Council for supporting and guiding us through this with help in Permitting, Inspection, and general support.

Tumbler Ridge Forever Young Society is very Grateful for having the opportunity to complete this project with many hours of help from our membership and the two huge supporters mentioned above.

Post COVID 19 we look forward to getting back into the swing of things, supporting our community and enhancing the lives of Seniors. (49 Forever)

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Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

Trent Ernst
Trent Ernst
Trent is the publisher of Tumbler RidgeLines.

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