June 2, 2020 marks the day that students returned back to school at Tumbler Ridge Secondary and Elementary.
Not all kids will be returning to school, though. For the rest of the school year, kids will be returning on a volunteer basis. Parents are able to keep their kids at home for the next month.
“Regarding sending your child back to school, please do what is right for your family,” says principal Ryan McGuire. “Returning to school is not mandatory, and teachers will still be providing online learning and remote support to the end of the school year.”
However, the experiences between the two will be different. “Your child may experience less contact times with teachers if they are continuing their learning remotely/online in June,” says McGuire. “The reason for this is to balance learning for students who are both in school and learning remotely. We have set aside Wednesdays all day for teachers to focus on supporting students who are learning remotely/online.”
Nor will classes be full-time. For instance, there are currently two grade 7 classes. Group 1 will go to school Monday and Friday from 9-10:15, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30-11:45. Group 2 will go to school Monday and Friday from 10:30-11:45 and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-10:15.
McGuire says there’s a lot of information for parents and students to be familiar with. “It is very important that before sending your child to school each day, please assess them for cold/flu symptoms. If your child is sick at all, please do not send them to school and have them assessed by a physician for COVID-19.”
Before a child is able to attend school, it is expected that parents will:
- Check their child for symptoms of COVID-19 each day prior to dropping their child off at the school site. The parental check will include checking for fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, muscle aches (common cold, influenza, or COVID-19 like symptoms). Children who exhibit symptoms will be expected to stay home until they have been assessed by a healthcare provider to exclude COVID-19, or other infectious diseases AND their symptoms have resolved.
- • provide their child with a water bottle (water fountains will not be available).
Health & Safety At School
- Hand Sanitizer and Soap/water spray bottles are in every classroom/workspace
- There is a kit with masks and gloves in the first aid cupboard for students who become symptomatic while at school.
- A Student who becomes symptomatic at school will be provided a mask and gloves.
- Students who become symptomatic while at school will be placed in a secure area near the front office, and parents will be called to come pick up the student. While in the secure area, the student will be asked to not leave until their ride comes or until permission is gained for them to walk home.
- Once the symptomatic student is picked up/leaves, the area will be sanitized.
- Students are asked to follow all floor arrows, lines and signs. They are there for your safety, protection, and … enjoyment
Entering the Building
- Students will enter the school from the Main Entrance
- Start and end times are staggered by 5 minutes to allow for all students to safety enter the school.
- Students are asked to arrive at the proper time according to your schedule.
- Doors will be locked to limit public access. Access for parents, caregivers and other non-staff adults will be by appointment only.
- When students arrive, either stay in their vehicle until their scheduled time or line up along the white physical distancing dots.
- Wait outside for the doors to open.
- While you are waiting, stay 6ft apart. There are physical distancing dots 2m from the front door and they extend to the left and right of the main doors. Students are asked to please head to the back of the line and wait their turn to enter the building. It may take a bit of time, but safety is our top priority
- Once inside the school, there is a hand sanitizing station with instructions.
- The first time a student enters the school, they will be provided with a copy of the school mandatory protocols as well as a copy of these procedures.
- Head straight to your class and wait for instructions on lining up for handwashing, desk assignment and classroom procedures.
- Follow the floor arrows and signs as you walk through the school.
- Leaving class: your teacher will have instructions for you.
Being in Class
- Is it important to follow all of the signs and arrows.
- “Keep to the right” while walking in the halls is the first rule of thumb.
- A legend will be provided to all students who come into the building. This legend is also posted to the school’s website and has been emailed out to all families who expressed interest in having their student back in school.
- When students get to class, they will enter on the door marked “Entrance”.
- Then students will line up to wash their hands. Teachers will direct students. Students are asked to please be patient and follow directions.
- Classrooms are set up to ensure Physical distancing. Students will be assigned a seat upon arrival to the classroom. Again, please be patient while teachers are assigning seats.
Leaving Class
- Students will be given 5-10 minutes at the end of class, to clean their workspace using the provided soap and water solution and a paper towel
- Students should sanitize or wash their hands either before leaving the school or as soon as they get home.
- When students are dismissed by their teacher, they are asked to leave the school at their designated exit, immediately so that the next group of students can come in.
- All Students Upstairs will use the one-way downstairs and exit the middle doors
- Students from rooms 161 and 162 will use the exit at the end of their hallway
- All other students will exit at the main entrance.
- Students may not leave class early unless permission is granted by their teacher.
- Students who are leaving class early are asked to leave the school immediately.
Other Procedures
- Students are asked to not bring any drinks except bottled water to school.
- Students remaining over a break and/or lunch are asked to remain in the building.
- In order to limit exposure, students are asked to bring their snacks and lunch with them at the beginning of the day.
- Students who leave the building during breaks and lunches must physically distance while outside and are asked not to bring purchased food back into the building.
- Breaks and lunch times will be staggered to promote safety in the hallways and students entering/leaving the school.
- All beverage and food items should be clearly labeled with the student’ name to avoid items being discarded.
- Students will need to consume food items at an individually designated work area and clean the area when finished.
- The school fountains and microwaves will not be available.
- Student bathrooms are as follows:
- Lobby bathrooms
- Upstairs Bathrooms
- Only TWO students are permitted in a bathroom at once.
- Students are asked to not use our two single use bathrooms at this time.
- Students will be taught the procedures and protocols, and teachers and staff will remind students about the protocols and procedures to help them learn what to do to stay safe inside the school.
- Students who refuse to follow protocols are putting others’ safety at risk. If it becomes apparent that a student is refusing to follow our safety protocols and procedures, a call home will be placed by administration and the student will be required to go home for the remainder of the day.