On March 17, the government of BC suspended K-12 classes due to ongoing concerns around COVID-19. The Ministry of Education is directing all schools to suspend in-school instruction “until further notice,” including private schools.
“The difficult decision has been made to suspend K-12 learning in BC Classrooms at this time,” Premier John Horgan announced at a press conference. “The decision on how to return will be made in partnership with school districts and independent schools.”
Horgan was joined on stage by Minister of Education Rob Fleming. “As the minister of education, one of my responsibilities is kids and staff and families involved in the school communities are kept as safe as possible, in all our communities right across British Columbia,” said Fleming. “We’re used to schools being safe space, where kids learn and grow and socialize, but as global pandemic COVID-19 is evolving quickly and is having a growing impact in British Columbia, we have to take action to protect our students. Today, under the direction of the Provincial Health Officer, we are directing all schools to immediately suspend in class instruction until further notice.”
When spring break ends, Teachers will be expected to plan for continuity of learning. “We will continue to work in consultation with our education partners as we plan how we will provide ongoing education services,” says Fleming. “I want to reassure parents and students: every student will receive a final mark. All students on track to move to the next grade will do so,” he says. “For grades 10-11 students, graduation assessments will be postponed. Every student eligible to graduate grade 12 this year will do so.”
“We don’t have all the answers today,” says Fleming. “We are in a fast moving situation, and we must work together to meet the needs of students and school communities.”
He says it’s important for parents and guardians to talk to their kids. “Let kids know the steps that have been announced happening,” he says. “Let them know they’re designed to protect them and the people most vulnerable to Covid-19: elders, seniors, their grandparents.”
“This is a crisis situation,” said the premier. “I want to commend those who are taking appropriate actions for themselves, their families and their businesses.”