Got the Winter Blues? Renew Your Happiness!

Linda Franklin

Every person is entitled to the biggest portion of true happiness that can come his or her way, regardless of the season. Whether it comes as the result of heredity or weather, poor diet habits or disappointments, depression is a very real threat to contentment. the lack of sunlight during these short days leading into spring can be one complicating factor for in those who struggle with ‘the blues’. 

Don’t lose hope! There is a recovery program coming soon to Tumbler Ridge that’s designed by Dr. Neil Nedley, MD, for those who: 1) suspect they may be suffering needlessly, 2) need help identifying specific symptoms, 3) are anxious to know what they can do to improve their quality of life. The program will be held on each Tuesday in February. 

The first meeting is a free introductory program which will be held at 7 pm, Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at Northern Lights College. The following Tuesdays, 11, 18 and 25 also at 7 pm in the same location.

“Depression—the Way Out” will teach you how:

  • to know if depression or another cause is creating a lack of energy and achieve rejuvenation
  • to enhance the circulation and activity of the brain’s control center of emotions
  • EQ (emotional intelligence) is more important than IQ
  • to identify depression and its causes
  • to treat depression with simple changes in lifestyle
  • to distinguish nutritional keys to health of mind and body
  • thinking can defeat depression
  • to live above loss
  • improve brain function

Comments from those who have taken the course:

  • “My husband is like a new man!”
  • “You’ve given me my wife back!”
  • “I can concentrate better, and am making better decisions.”
  • I felt trapped by my depression; now I have control over my own mental health.”
  • “Wow! I never thought I’d be able to get this much done in a day’s time and still feel energetic!”
  • ‘Heart gut laughs are back!”
  • “I’ve worked as a school counselor for 20 years and I have never seen a program this complete.”
  • “I now have a positive interest in every day.”
  • “I’m getting along much better with my family and coworkers, and didn’t give up my individuality.”

There is a nominal charge for textbooks and workbooks for those who continue the course. For more information, to reserve supplies or request assistance, phone Ellis 250-784-8266 or Loretta 250-784-5271.

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