Mark Bartkoski Stepping Down as Conuma President at end of March

We just received this letter from Brian Sullivan, CEO of Conuma Coal. Further details to come.

At the end of March, Mark Bartkoski will step down from his position as President of Conuma Coal Resources Limited.

Mark has mixed emotions about leaving his adopted hometown of Tumbler Ridge in order to return to Ohio to spend more time with his family, including a growing number of grandchildren. Observes Mark on his decision: “When I came to Tumbler Ridge nearly three years ago, I hoped that we could build a coal company with the values and integrity that we have instilled and developed at Conuma. We have succeeded thus far beyond my imagination”.

Mark promised our Board of Directors that he would help build a company and put it on firm footing before he considered his assignment completed. I think we can all agree that Mark has done that and more during his tenure and has provided the sort of leadership required to set Conuma on a path to continued future success.

Mark will continue to be an important part of Conuma – he remains a founder of and owner in the Company and will help Conuma succeed in whatever manner he can as he transitions to his new role as trusted counsellor to the Company. I expect we can see an update to his book on integrity process, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Conuma will be featured prominently.

It should come as no surprise that Mark has planned for an orderly transition of his responsibilities and gave the Board plenty of notice of his desire to return to the United States. The Board conducted a global search for a replacement and are pleased to announce John Schadan as the second President of Conuma Coal Resources, Limited. John has more than 30 years of experience in Canadian mining, including as President of Westmoreland Coal Company, and positions with SNC Lavalin, Luscar Ltd., Manalta Coal Ltd., Fording Coal, Ltd., and most recently as VP of Operations for KMC Mining Corporation.

John has a mining engineering degree from Queen’s University and has served in leadership roles previously with the Coal Association of Canada and the Alberta Chamber of Resources. John, and his wife Louise, live in Edmonton, and have lived in Western Canada for several decades during John’s career in Canadian mining. They look forward to becoming an integral part of the Conuma community just as Mark and his family have done.

The Board is confident that the search has found the next great leader for our Company, one whose values mirror the ones we have all worked to establish since September 2016. John will begin his duties as President on March 11, 2019, which will begin a transition period during which Mark and John will ensure that the functions currently managed by Mark, are handed off to John in a way that will assist a smooth transition and transparency for all Company stakeholders. During the transition period, John and Mark will be meeting with employee groups during partnership meetings and other settings.

Please join me and the Board of Directors in taking the opportunity to thank Mark Bartkoski, his wife Margie and their family for the tremendous contribution to Conuma. We wish them well in the next phase of life, chasing their passions (and grandchildren). Also join us in welcoming John Schadan and his family in joining ours. John will help us continue Conuma’s trajectory of success, and we look forward to helping him put his stamp on the Company starting in two weeks.

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